Garden Market highlights small and home-based businesses where products are made in Lebanon or are unique like antiques. Our first Garden Market in June 2023 had free kid’s eco-activities and bands for Fete de la Musique.

Sobhiyeh is more than just a chance to talk over coffee, it is a way for us to invite everyone from the neighborhood to hear our updates and take part in what we are doing. Residents are invited to bring a friend or a tasty bite to share with neighbors. Sobhiyehs are also being held for activities groups.

In partnership with Compost Baladi, Assabil Association and the Municipality of Beirut, Liqaa began composting in the Spring 2023. Two Earth Cubes were donated by Compost Baladi and are being used by 15-30 families to make organic waste into compost.
If you would like to take part please call: +961 81 996 476.

The Walking Club was started in March 2023 as a way for all ages to get a little bit of exercise, meet people, and have fun.
Every Tuesday morning people are invited to come and do stretching and walking under the guidance of a trainer or physio-therapist.
For more information, please contact +961 81 996 476.

In partnership with Assabil, a weekly meetup started in April 2023, takes place in the garden for Chess players of all levels and ages.

Film screenings occasionally are planned for either adult audiences or for children.

With all the challenges the Lebanese face on a daily basis, this workshop series was conceived to be way for community members to gain knowledge and tools to cope with stress, build healthier relationships, and gain more inner strength.

After a survey we did in partnership with Assabil Association and the Scouts Groupe de l’Annonciation, Liqaa organized a day to clean the garden with the scouts and other residents. This youth-led event had eco-awareness activities organized by the Scouts, Assabil, and Maya Abou Habib.
Ongoing cleaning was organized by Liqaa and financially supported by Liqaa, Assabil and Beit el Baraka from May- December 2023.